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Jax Review - Unlikely Match

Jax Review - Unlikely Match

Author: Laura Bradbury
Genre: Romance
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This book was perfect! It was heartwarming, funny, and insightful. I've always found stories around terminal illnesses so beautiful - there's something about living like it's your last day that I've admired in those characters. I started it late at night expecting to get a couple of chapters in before I fell asleep. The next thing I knew it was 2:30am and I was in tears. I cried many times and loved every second of it.

So many times, stories revolving around illness either end in a beautiful tragedy (think The Fault in Our Stars) or like everything is a-okay after the miracle cure. Unlikely Match gave us so much more! We got a glimpse into what the reality is like for transplant patience. What they have to endure after they get the one thing they've been wishing for and how that affects their lives post-transplant. Not only that, but we got to see it for both the transplant receiver and the donor. It was absolutely beautiful.

What I loved:

- The characters - Laura makes you fall in love with her characters in a way that you can't help but tear through the book. Not only were they fun and smart, but so well developed. As the book unfolds, you find there is so much depth behind our MCs and even the side characters.

- You can tell that Laura has written this book from her heart and soul having lived this story herself. It's absolutely beautiful!

- EVERYONE'S IN THERAPY! God, was this refreshing!

- Grumpy/Sunshine, Enemies to Lovers, Found Family, Acts of Kindness

What I didn't love as much:

- Jule's entire family - that was by design I'm sure, but they made my blood boil!


Thank you NetGalley and Laura Bradbury for this ARC. I'm honored to have received it! As always, these opinions are my own and not influenced by the publisher or author!

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