love notes
to you, from musings

Megs Review - A Suitable Companion for the End of Your Life

Megs Review - A Suitable Companion for the End of Your Life

Author: Robert McGill
Genre: Fiction
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Photo of A Suitable Companion for the End of Your Life by Robery McGill

And now for something completely different than what we’ve been reading recently, here is a strange, compelling dystopian future novel. I’ve been trying to pick up random, out of my norm kind of books lately when I’m at a bookstore and grabbed this on a whim. I went into it complete blind and was unable to put it down once I started to get into the story. It plays with themes of depression, isolation, family expectations, love, and belonging. The story is woven very carefully and the twist at the end, 🤯. For a book I grabbed on a whim, not disappointed.

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