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to you, from musings

Musing Review - Realm of Oblivion

Musing Review - Realm of Oblivion

Author: Marae Good
Genre: YA Fantasy
Megs - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Jax - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Musings - 4 ☕️

Realm of Oblivion on a Kindle

Happy pub day Marae!! We were so fortunate to receive an ARC of Marae's debut novel, Realm of Oblivion. Neither of us knew anything about the book before starting, other than the fact it was a YA Fantasy and that we enjoy Marae! This book takes you across different worlds and the world building is quite stunning. We did find ourselves having to reread sections to grasp what was going on. It was as if there were many ideas happening at once. That is almost understandable given how much is packed into one story. There’s heartbreak, there’s betrayal, there’s adventure, there’s suspense, there’s coming into one’s own, there’s one bed, there’s who did this to you. In short, it’s for everything you need for a good YA fantasy. Our biggest complaint is that the cliffhanger at the end was a bit abrupt and felt like we ran out of time. We are looking forward to book two in this series because we simply must know what happens to Collins and her love triangle.

Jax Review - The Certainty of Chance

Jax Review - The Certainty of Chance

PODCAST [EP 14] Musing over All Things Holidays

PODCAST [EP 14] Musing over All Things Holidays