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Megs Review: Run Rose Run

Megs Review: Run Rose Run

Book: Run Rose Run
Author: Dolly Parton and James Patterson
Genre: "thriller"
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

Photo of Run Rose Run by Dolly Parton and James Patterson next to a candle and crystal

So this book is categorized as a thriller. It is most definitely not a thriller, hence my quotation marks. Is there a little mystery, some un-answered questions, some tragedy? Yes, 100%; but no- it is not a thriller. It's a coming of age story of a young woman trying to make her dreams come true in the country music world, the good and the bad, with people that want to help and those who don't. I really wanted to like this book more than I did but it's still a good read and and should be on the book shelf of every Dolly Parton fan.

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