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Jax Review: The Night Circus

Jax Review: The Night Circus

Book: The Night Circus
Author: Erin Morgenstern
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Photo of "The Night Circus" being held in front of a bookcase

This had been on my TBR for quite some time as it was highly recommended by a few friends, as well as one of my favorite authors. I discovered that Jim Dale, my favorite narrator, did the audiobook and I was sold. Now having said that, I did not like this book at first. That is no fault of Erin or Jim! With 15 different main characters and a constantly changing timeline, it was very hard to follow along on audio. I typically enjoy audiobooks while cleaning the house or walking the dogs, but even that seemed like too much activity to really focus on what was going on.

Once I finally felt like I had a handle on what was happening and figuring out the timeline, I WAS HOOKED. The pure magic that Erin weaved throughout this book was bliss. I loved the characters. I loved the ever-changing scenery. I loved the magic of the circus itself. My only complaint is that I wanted more when it ended!

The second I finished the audiobook, I knew I'd be reading the physical copy at some point and I cannot wait to do so! I can already tell that there are so many details that I missed the first time through, especially doing it as an audiobook. I cannot fully explain the love I have for this book!

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