love notes
to you, from musings

Book Adventures: Tessa Bailey

Book Adventures: Tessa Bailey

Yesterday was a day!! We hit the road bright and early (like 6:30am early and we don’t function at that hour, well Jax doesn't function at that hour) to head to the Cape to meet Miss Tessa Bailey!

Photo of Megs & Jax with author Tessa Bailey

We spent the morning reading on the beach and then headed to the book signing. While the line was long (obviously, who wouldn’t want to meet Tessa?! She’s amazing!), we made the most of it making friends with our line mates and Jax tried to finish the book. Spoiler, she didn’t, but only had 5 chapters to go!

Tessa is the sweetest human being ever! She took the time to chat with each and every one of the hundreds of people in line, customized each book signed, and stood to take multiple pictures with every one. The highlight of the day was when she offered to cover a misspelling on Megs’ book with a giant d!©️k 🤣

After the signing, we headed to Anejo where we had dinner in a tree! Everything was delicious - the tacos, the margs, and don’t even get us started on the desserts. Jax is still in a food coma. Oh and we found a shark on the way!

We came to the realization at dinner that we’re now at the age where we are getting wristbands for book events instead of nights at the clubs and honestly, nothing feels better than that! However, it’s good to know that even at book events, the occasional d!©️k will still pop up. 🤪

Megs Review: Fake It Till You Bake It

Megs Review: Fake It Till You Bake It

PODCAST [EP 2] Musing Over Summer Reading Challenge

PODCAST [EP 2] Musing Over Summer Reading Challenge